I guess I will be blacklisted from the girl's community for writing publicly about the things which go inside the girl's loo. But I have such an urge to write that I really can't help it :P

So for all the starters ( I mean guys who have never seen the LADIES toilet) it is never clean, sparkling, pink and perfumed.
Especially if you are living in the hostel. Talking about girls hostel there will be always 3 categories of girls using the loo.

Category number 1: The "junglee" girl
These girls have never seen a toilet in their life. Probably they used to squat in the fields/ forest/ deserted place whatever. So it's their first time in the civilized toilet. So they squat on the western pots leaving their beautiful footprints on the flap. I always wonder how come they manage to balance themselves on such a thin line. Probably they have great experience like Mogli jumping around trees which has made their bodies highly flexible. In fact we should send them to Olympics to represent India in Gymnastics. Their body balance is perfect. All the Chinks will be nothing compared to these super balancing girls.
Coming back to the topic, these girls blatantly lie when confronted and any hygiene lesson for them is waste of time and resources.
I wish all these girls best of luck with their career. And hope they do not repeat this balancing act in their offices or worse don't teach that to their kids. :D

Category Number 2: The "hygiene" girl
Hygiene is good. But there must be some proficiency level in that too :P These categories of girls will always carry a toilet paper with them, a hand sanitizer, a tissue, room freshener, pair of toilet slippers and what not. they twitch their noses moment they enter a common loo. For them it's like being condemned to hell for a decade.
They keep an eye on who is doing what, how and why. They are the future leaders, future CEO's. I am sure when they will grow up, they will have a magnanimous washroom jeweled with all the modern day luxuries. The first they notice while checking in is washroom in a hotel. They will never fall for a guy who has ever used a road to relieve himself.
These girls can help India to build a clean future. They are usually the creme-de-la-creme and one should learn a lot from them.
One more thing you will never find such girls in bus stands, railway stations,metros. So they have no experience of the real "Indian" loos. :P

Category Number 3: The "normal" girl
This normal girl or "aam" girl or "mango" girl or the "common" girl is torn between the first two categories. She likes hygiene but is too laid back to follow with passion. She doesn't like blood stains, used things, broken hair, empty shampoo sachets and what not in her washroom. But she won't complain. This girl will quietly lower her head and move on until she finds a clean loo. She is the girl next door, the real Indian who has learnt to compromise with the situation.

So these are the girls who rule the washrooms and make it a scene to watch :P
Rest there will be always some hidden dark stories which for their own good are circulated inside the loo's only :D


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