This poem I wrote jes thinking about all the grls who wud have been having fun today..but they r not as they were stoppd frm entering this world by dre parents...
So oddly enuf I decided to dedicate a poem to all of them ! and this is my first attempt at rhyming too!!!

Songs from the other world

Long lost in another world
are my little cries..
Wanted to make them heard in this world
but U broke all the ties!
My tone is low
and is getting lost day by day..
Here the sky is grey
and I have notjing left to say
The sun never comes
Moon jes sways...
I jes think of all the stars
whose tiny lights reveal my scras..
I inspired to be Britney or Madonna
but all I have here are empty promises...
which you nourished for few months
but broke them into pieces...
as soon as you found out
that I am jes another grl
with all those dirty curls...
So here I am in this world
singing for you to call me back
from this dark.....
Alone in this other world....


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